Thursday, 30 May 2019

 Today we made dragons out of picture.  First we found a picture of a dragon and used polyline to draw around it.  Then we coloured it and then it turned out like this and on the inside you can different things in it too.  Have you ever tried this before?

Thursday, 23 May 2019

We made suncatchers and we had to use paper plates scissors leaves string laminator sheets and paints. First we painted the paper plates cut the middle out then we let it dry in the sun. When it was dry we got our laminator sheets out and put our leaves in and put it in the laminator. Then we cut it into a circle and then we taped the panted plates to the laminated leaves then we put string and hung it up. Have you ever made a suncatcher like this? If you haven't check out the slide show.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

We did a science experiment with Mrs Swinburn. We put six drops of colour into the three cups and put a flower in each cup and then we had to wait for two days to see any change in the flowers. Each flower soaked up the coloured water and changed colour a little bit.